A soft gelatin capsule with twist-off. cap allows access to a measured dose for topical and/or oral applications.
Patient & Consumer Benefits
Portable, on-the-go
Easy to twist. Ideal for geriatric, Pediatric and veterinary use.
Custom shapes, sizes and colors..
No water needed.
- Better Dosage Accuracy
- Eliminates contamination by repeat use
- Improves Compliance
- Improved Stability
As a the leading manufacturer of softgel-related technologies, Softigel offers unparalleled custom capsule services. Design your very own Stripegels!
Physically Appealing.
Completely Customizable.
Brand identification.
New customer experience.
Consumers are willing to pay top dollar for customization to extend their product lines and increase sales.
Source: Personalization Trend Enters the Vitamin Market. 2020. English. Laura Industry Manager Machecha. Kline & Company.
With Reducedgels, consumers receive full strength and power in a smaller size softgel.
Patient & Consumer Benefits
Ideal for seniors and children.
Available in variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and clarity.
Suitable for Vegetarians.
- Enables higher API concentrations in smaller capsules.
- A solutions for complex API formulation.
- Enables higher API concentrations in smaller capsules.
- Capable of delivering single and combination API formulations.
- Tamper-evident
The softgel vaginal ovule or insert, Vaogels, was designed with mucoadhesive properties to facilitate retention of the product in the vagina and availability of the active ingredient in a site-specific manner.
Conical Shape for easy application.
Softgel Hydrophilic outer layer.
Improves treatment efficiency.
Greater dissolution / Faster disintegration.
Exact Dosage.
Lipophilic Exipients for better vaginal adherence and efficacy.
Gentle and non-irritating.
Stable Until Inserted.